Monday, July 30, 2012

The Cotuit Kettleers

Cape Cod, Massachusetts...

There are many reasons to visit Cape Cod, some of which include vacationing, sailing, and potato chips. But the reason we visited the Cape for our last three summers is the Cape Cod Summer Collegiate Baseball League, where Mike Roberts has been the coach for over ten years. Providing such a peaceful place to work and a beautiful place to film, we have looked forward to our summers in the Cape every year.  Mike's team, the Kettleers, approached us to make a film about their beautiful town of Cotuit, Massachusetts when they began a renovation project. They wanted a film that could be used to raise money for their renovations by showing how vital the Kettleers baseball team is to the community. The video was pitched as a promotional documentary.

We flew to Cotuit in early May to film the video. It was such a pretty time to be on the Cape, as the flowers were blooming and the grass was just beginning to turn green.

This is before most of the summer travelers arrive so the town was pretty quiet, but that did not stop the locals from putting on an awesome 5K run right through the center of town. We got to enjoy good food and cheer on the racers which included the Kettleers own General Manager, Bruce Murphy.

While working on the video, the Kettleers lost their building contractor who who was responsible for making 3D drawings of the new renovations. They asked if I could produce some artwork of how the complex would look after completion. Having a background in Autodesk Maya software, I enjoyed the task of recreating the field in 3D and adding the newly designed buildings.

Cape Cod is rich in history and proud of it's heritage, so the Cotuit Kettleers wanted to preserve the traditional style of old fashioned baseball in their renovations. The "new" features will have the feel of an early 20th century baseball complex. In phase II of the renovations they will be replacing the metal grandstand on the first base line with a beautifully architected wooden grandstand. The grandstand on the third base side is already wooden and will only need minor improvements to match the style of the new first base side.

With the completion of our video and images we hope the Kettleers are able to raise the money needed for these new additions to their already beautiful complex at Lowell Park in Cotuit, MA.

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